We may review, scan, or analyze your communications on the Villa planet Platform for reasons outlined in the “How We Use Information We Collect” section of this policy, including fraud prevention, security investigations, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, product development, research, analytics, enforcing our Terms of Service, and customer support purposes. For example, as part of our fraud prevention efforts, we scan and analyze messages to mask contact information and references to other sites, and subject to applicable law, we scan and analyze all images uploaded by users to the Villa planet platform in message threads, profiles, listings, and experiences for certain illegal or inappropriate activities (such as evidence of child exploitation) for the purpose of identifying and reporting content violations to appropriate authorities. In some cases, we may also scan, review, or analyze messages to debug, improve, and expand product offerings. We use automated methods where reasonably possible. Occasionally we may need to manually review communications, such as for fraud investigations and customer support, or to assess and improve the functionality of these automated tools. We will not review, scan, or analyze your messaging communications to send third-party marketing messages to you and we will not sell reviews or analyses of these communications. We may also share your communications as set out in the “Sharing & Disclosure” section.

Provide Payment Services.

Personal information is used to enable, or authorize third parties to use, Payment Services, such as to:

  • Detect and prevent money laundering, fraud, abuse, and security incidents, as well as conduct risk assessments,
  • Comply with legal and compliance obligations (such as anti-money laundering regulations and sanctions enforcement),
  • Enforce the Payment Terms and other payment policies, and

provide and improve Payment Services.

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